Finallyyyy! After many deletions, the misc page is up! I've been meaning to put this here foreeeever...but I've been so busy! This is my rambling page...where I stick all the weeeird stuff that won't fit anywhere else! So, if you don't wanna be weirded out...shoo! Shoo!

Site Info
Bapgoyle's Gargoyle Corner was created on October 28, 1998. All images and characters unless otherwise noted belong to Katherine Fischer. Please ask permission before using anything from this page. Thanks! ^_^

Power Scouts
Power Scouts is a product of my short obsession with Billy, the Blue Power ranger. Ok, so maybe I'm kind of warped (but he is kinda cute, isn't he? EhEh...). Anyways, one night, my friend and I rented the Power Ranger Movie so we could drool on him some...ok, so maybe I rented it and forced Katrina to watch it with me...anyways! Since he had a disapointingly small screen time, we spent the whole movie talking about us as Power Rangers. THUS the Power Scouts were born...somewhere along the way it morphed (haha) into Power Scouts. And one of my sister's friends, who is a neeeat author, wrote us a story, joooy! If you wanna read it, go here. If you wanna see pictures I drew of them a looooong longy time ago, go to the misc gallery! Anyways, this is my little shrine to them...thanks.

Disney's Gargoyles
Ok, since my page sorta REVOLVES around Disney's gargoyles, I figure if anyone has been living in a cave for the past, oh...five years, and hasn't heard of it, I'd explain it to them very shortly in a little synopsis. If you wanna learn more, go somewhere else ;P. Anyway...Gargoyles was a half-hour cartoon created by Disney that ran for about two years (we're not counting The Goliath Chronicles, because general opinion is it sucked, I wouldn't know, we never got it here). SO, it was about a clan of mystical gargoyles that lived in the tenth century Scotland and protected a Castle. But there was a big fight and some betrayal and the six remaining gargoyles were sentanced to stone sleep for basically forever. But this guy named Xanatos woke them up in modern day manhatten and they all decided to protect the city (well, not Xanatos, he was a bad guy). So, that's basically - oh wait! Then there was this girl, Elisa Maza, and she was a detective and she helped the gargoyles, and she was the gargoyle leader's girlfriend. Ok, that's it, I'm done. *cheers*.

About the Artist
Ok! Since this is MY page, I thought I'd write a little about myself...well, not too much, or you might come and stalk me, I'm not going to tell you every little personal detail about myself. I use mentadent toothpaste. Ok, so maybe I'll tell you a few. I've put them all into this easy to use chart. YaAaay!
Name: Katherine R. Fischer
Favorite Color: Clear
Favorite Animal: Ocelot
Age: Sixteen
School: BAHS (Wouldn't YOU like to know what that stands for!)
Birthday: June 21
Horoscope: Gemini/Cancer
Likes: My friends (will go first this time), horses, my computer, Gargoyles!, my birdies, platypuses, wombats, ocelots, giraphs, drawing, photoshop, summer vacation, snow days, television, IHOP (International House of Pancakes), The Olive Tree, goldfish, the beach, Horse back riding camp, storms, babies,
Dislikes(Oh you knew this was coming): school, math, no electricity, skiing, going to church, being really sick, children old enough to speak, crotchety people, those old ladies who work in card stores, telemarketers!, snobs, stalkers, skanky hoes, people who don't sign my guestbook*hinthint*, people- who-can't-sing-but-form-bands-anyways...

Contact Info
Well, I looove getting e-mail! But no one ever gives me any :(...and no one signs the guestbook...Oh well if you WANT to e-mail me, my e-mail address is [email protected], I also have AOL, my screen name is Bowiegrl2. If you want to talk to me when I'm on-line, you can use AIM (my user name is bapgoyle), or ICQ (my number is ). I also usually bum around mIRC, in #gargoyles.

RPin' on AOL
YES, I have aol *much booing and hissing ensues* WELL, the only reason I have it is because (well, my dad has it) that and they have a great ffrp sector. Well, I've been doing it for awhile, along with my best bud Katrina (Jessica doesn't have a computer..HAHA), ahem, and my sisters friend, JJ. I've gone through like, dozens of names, but they can be grouped into my main characters or the phases I went through with them. AND since I'm verra vain concerning my lil personas, this area is a lil graphic intensive (in case you hadn't noticed). So, sit back, relax, and take a trip to Rhy'din, the magical land of AOL Role Playing...
Well, that's all there is!.....what are you still doing here? Go!